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Train Power with Plyometrics

The Academy

Plyometrics are a form of exercise that focus on jumping, power, and force. Often overlooked as they have been pushed as a tool only for athletes. Plyometric exercises are a great option to incorporate into your workout routine, here are a few reasons why!

What are Plyometrics?

Plyometrics are powerful aerobic exercises designed to increase power, strength, and speed, and often provide great weight loss benefits. Plyometric exercises require you to exert your muscle’s maximum potential in short bursts of time repeatedly, often using multiple muscles at once. Examples of plyometric exercises are jump squats, box jumps, burpees, jumping jacks, lateral jumps, and clap push-ups.

What are the benefits of plyometrics?

No equipment – Plyometric exercises require little to no equipment making them extremely versatile and convenient to get a workout in.

Improved power – Plyometrics increase muscle power, force and strength which can lead to running faster, jumping higher, and improve both agility and change of direction. Increased performance is often seen in any sport requiring running, jumping, or kicking.

Increased cardiovascular health – Plyometrics are both a strength and aerobic exercise form, making them a great way to help you increase cardiovascular output. An increase in calories burnt, metabolism, and stamina can also be a benefit!

Promotes general fitness – Plyometrics can be used by non-athletes to promote general fitness and make daily tasks easier! Muscles are stretched rapidly which can allow the body to move more efficiently. When used properly plyometrics can also help to reduce injury, the stress put on bones, joints, and connective tissues can strengthen them over time.

Are there risks to plyometrics?

As with any form of movement there are a few risks to consider before starting, and you should always consult a medical professional before incorporating new movements. Plyometrics put stress on the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints, especially of the lower extremities.

Any fitness level can participate in plyometrics, however it’s important to add them slowly into your routine. Gradually increase the time, and intensity level. A proper warm up and cool down is essential when incorporating plyometric exercises into a fitness routine to avoid injuries.

If you have more questions or want help getting started with incorporating plyometric exercises, contact our professionals today at

or join our group HIIT and Turbulent classes.

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