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Losing Motivation?

The Academy

Movement is one of the best things you can do for your body to stay healthy, so what do you do when you’re struggling with motivation or losing interest? Read below for tips to stay motivated and keep moving.

Try a new class – Fitness classes are a great tool to help keep you motivated, teach you new exercises, and to help you find like minded people! With the varying class options there are endless possibilities; you may want to work on your Mind Body connection in a Pilates class, improve flexibility in a Yoga class, or get a high intensity workout with Turbulent or Group Ride! Fitness classes are great for any fitness level and can always be modified for your comfort level.

Set a new goal – Setting new health and fitness goals is a great way to stay motivated! Start by creating short term goals such as moving 2 times a week. Slowly increase intensity with a new goal such as increasing movement to 3 times a week for a longer period of time. Or add a new movement by taking the stairs or walking to the grocery store.

Make sure the goals you set are realistic and set as many achievable short-term goals as possible to keep yourself motivated. Long term goals (reached in 6 months – 1 year) may result in the end goal whereas short term achievable goals keep you going toward the long-term finish line.

Ask an expert – Talking with personal trainers and/or fitness instructors can be a great help and often provide encouragement, education, and motivation. These fitness experts are a great resource to use when unsure of form, if you need new ideas, or simply just a friendly face in the gym.

People in the health and fitness community all have one thing in common – we love to help and educate!

For more tips or to speak to our fitness professionals contact us today at

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