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Get Ready to Run!

The Academy

With spring in the air, there is no better time to get outside and move! Many of us want to get back into outdoor running or simply start altogether, before doing so we have a few tips to reduce your risk of injury.

Getting started

While running is a great way to get the exercise it can also be very strenuous to the body, creating a strong base is essential to avoid injury. If you have any existing joint issues check with your healthcare provider before starting to run, the amount of force put on your joints while running Is on average 4x that of your body weight.

Keep up with strength training – Strengthening your muscles, especially those in the lower body is crucial for injury prevention and can help you run more efficiently. Ensure to work on your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves; your muscles will help to keep joints tracking smoothly and support your body with the added force. Having a strong core is also ideal as this can help minimize back injuries. A strong core helps to hold good posture and alignment in running.

Plan a good mobility program – While running is a great cardio activity, the impact forces from running cause muscle tension. Having a well-balanced mobility program is important for injury prevention and performance. If you are unsure as to what stretches to do join one of your yoga classes.

Start with intervals – Start out running/jogging in intervals, don’t be afraid to walk! A great place to start is running for 2 minutes and walking for 1-2 minutes, do this for 20 minutes at a time 3 times a week. Once you feel your body is accustomed to running slowly increase your run time and decrease your walking time until you can run for 20 minutes without a break. Repeat until you reach your desired run time!

Choose the right surface – If you are new to running overall, start on a treadmill or a synthetic running track. These softer surfaces can help to absorb some of the force whereas pavement will absorb nothing, keep in mind your form will be altered slightly on a treadmill as the belt moves beneath you. Use a treadmill for a minimum of 3 weeks before moving to the pavement, this will help the body adjust and reduce the risk of injury to the joints.

Choose the right gear – Purchase proper fitting running shoes with support and cushion to absorb shock, going to a professional for the right fit is always a good idea! Retailers such as the Running Room are a great place to start. Wear clothing that will be comfortable and wick away sweat, and ensure it doesn’t restrict your movement.

For more questions or for help with your running journey contact our professionals today at Or join in a strength or mobility class.

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